
On 10th April 2014, His Excellency the Ambassador of Russia to the Congo, Dr. Youri Romanov, visited the Diocese of Brazzaville and Gabon in Pointe Noire. He was warmly welcomed by His Grace Panteleimon and his colleagues, to whom he expressed congratulations “on the progress noticed in the general Ecclesiastical efforts and the ever-strengthening presence of the Orthodox Church in the country”, as he said characteristically.

His Excellency Mr. Romanov then went to the adjacent Radio Station “The Voice of Orthodoxy” where he gave an interview, in the presence of His Grace and Mr. Sergey Belyaev, Director of the Russian Educational Institute. Closing the Radio Programme His Grace thanked the Ambassador for honouring the Diocese with his visit, stressing that “the local Church of the Congo, as a canonical Ecclesiastical Province of the Ancient and Apostolic Patriarchal Throne of Alexandria, gives a daily witness, which is the witness of the Orthodox faith, unity, peace and brotherhood, for the benefit and development of the boader social community of the Congo and Gabon, particularly its flock, which is comprised of all the Orthodox faithful of the two countries. Besides it is this holy duty which is sacrificially served by all the Hierarchs, clergy and staff of the ancient Patriarchate who serve on the vast continent of Africa to the glory of God, inspired and supported by the paternal love of our Primate His Beatitude Theodoros II.

The Ambassador’s visit to the Holy Diocese was preceded by the ceremony of inauguration of a Russian Cultural Centre in Pointe-Noire, at which His Grace Bishop Panteleimon , His Excellency the Governor of the Pointe-NBoire District Mr. Alexandre Honore Paka, the Mayor of the City, Diplomats and other dignitaries invited by the Russian Ambassador were present.