On Sunday, September 10, 2023, the Reverend Metropolitan of Naukratis Mr. Panteleimon, Hierarchical Head of the Holy Cathedral Church of the Annunciation of the Theotokos of Alexandria, performed the Divine Liturgy in the aforementioned beautifulChurch, with the prayerful participation of a few believers of the City of Alexander the Great.
With today’s Divine Liturgy, the liturgical “life” of the huge Cathedral begins again, having been interrupted during the summer months of July and August, since the few Alexandrian fellow residents visit their families in Greece.
Experiencing the words of the Lord, Founder of the Church “do not fear the little flock, for our Father has blessed you and shows you the Kingdom” (Luke 12, 32), we continue our spiritual ministry, but also serve the Greek presence in the hospitable and God-walked land of Egypt, which began 27 centuries earlier, when the first Greeks (Milesians, Aeginites, Rhodians, Cnidians) arrived here and built the first colony in the Nile Delta, the port city of Naucratis, in the 6th century B.C., with the permission of the Philhellene Pharaoh Amasis II.
For 27 centuries, then, we Greeks have existed on this land! And we serve this sacred and historical legacy today, despite the troubled times as their modern descendants.