On 12th October 2017, His Grace Panteleimon Bishop of Ψονγο-Brazzaville and Gabon went to the city of Dolisie, where he performed the sanctification at the Orthodox School “Light of the World” for the beginning of the new school year (1.10.2017 – 30.7.2018).
Addressing the pupils he spoke of the importance of education for the spiritual progress and mayutrity of people and in extension the broader social whole, emphasized the uniqueness of Christ-centred Education, and conveyed the paternal love and blessings of His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa to the teachers and pupils.
He also expressed the gratitude of the local Churh to His Excellency Mr. Anatole Collinet Makosso, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and Literacy of the Republic of the Congo (Ministre de l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et de l’Alphabétisation), who answered the requests of the Bishop and for the very first time seconded five teachers from the public sector to the school, according to the contract which was signed on 23rd August 2013 between the Holy Diocese of Congo-Brazzaville and the relevant Ministry.
According to this, the Orthodox Primary School “Light of the World”, was officially recognized as «établissement privé conventionné» (a private institution on special contract) and enjoys some benefits, as does every educational institute which belongs to the Orthodox Church of Congo-Brazzaville and operates or will operate in the country’s territory. A corresponding contract governs and benefits the private schools of the Roman Catholic Church.
He then went to visit the adjacent “Agios Efstathios” Orthodox Orphanage, where he gave them a large amount of tiles and new hygiene products for the renovated bathrooms of the Institution, a donation from the dear businessman Mr. Antonios Lakiotis, a new washing machine and new bed linen.
Finally he visited the road under construction which will join the school (and by extension the Orphanage as well as the Parish of St Irene) with the centre of the city of Dolisie, lessening greatly the existing distance and then he left for Pointe-Noire.