His Grace Panteleimon, Bishop of Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon met with His Excellency the Governor of Pointe Noire, Mr. Alexandre Honoré M’Paka, on 21st December 2016, to convery festive wishes for the season.
During the meeting His Grace expressed the gratitude of the Holy Diocese to the Authorities of the noble country of Congo-Brazzaville, for the excellent cooperation and their always positive response to every request of the local Church.
The Governor thanked the Bishop for the social work undertaken and the dynamic presence of the Orthodox Church in the Congo, adding that the state services will continually support its efforts. He also expressed his respect for the Patriarchate of Alexandria and its Primate, His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II, whom he welcomed to Pointe-Noire in 2007 and 2012.