
His Excellency the Minister of Communications and the Media of the Republic of the Congo and Government Representative Mr. Thierry Moungalla visited the See of the Holy Diocese of Congo-Brazzaville and the adjacent Radio Station “The Voice of Orthodoxy 96,8 FM” in Pointe-Noire on 17th August 2016.

The Minister was welcomed by the Hierarchal Vicar General of the Holy Diocese, Reverend Protopresbyter Fr. Maximos Oumba, Director of the radio Station, and briefed him in detail on its completed reorganization. He also conveyed the grateful thanks of His Grace Panteleimon, Bishop of Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon for the visit, which is an honour for the Church, as well as recognition of  its laborious efforts for the spiritual promotion of the local community.

His Excellency Mr. Thierry Moungalla expressed wholehearted congratulatory wishes for the correct and orderly operation of the Station, describing it as exemplary. He also sent a cordial greeting from the studio to the listeners.

Note that the Orthodox Radio Station “The Voice of Orthodoxy” which broadcasts daily from 07h00 to 21h00 is the first to fully comply with the new legislation, cleared all its financial arrears to the state from previous years, legally enshrined the radio frequency of 96,8 FM, renewed and enriched the daily programme etc. resulting in its receiving annually the final authorization to operate from the Supreme Council for Freedom of  Communication of Congo-Brazzaville (Conseil Superieur de la liberté de Communication du Congo-Brazzaville) with honours.